About Monoie

Welcome to Monoie 

Monoie is an Old French term for "money." The word has evolved through various languages and periods.

Monoie is deeply rooted in history, dating back to the 9th to 14th centuries. 


Monoie's journey begins with our first year as an official brand.

As we embark on this exciting chapter, our vision extends far beyond our lifetime we aspire to evolve and innovate tirelessly for the next 200+ years. Our commitment is to create products and solutions tailored to every financial situation, empowering individuals to navigate the complexities of modern life with confidence and clarity.

At Monoie, we're all about teamwork. We believe that true success isn't just about personal gain; it's about lifting each other up and growing together.

That's why, when we achieve financial success, you won't find us living lavishly.

Instead, we're committed to reinvesting our resources back into what matters most – our products, designs, and services.

But that's not all.

We're passionate about giving back to the community, supporting causes that make a real difference in people's lives. Whether it's through education, environmental initiatives, or empowering local businesses, we're dedicated to using our success for the greater good.

Because at Monoie, we know that when we work together and invest in our future, we all thrive.

Pinky promise !